Password is not valid!

Hello, I can not solve this problem, I am trying to make a login system, but it is giving errors, when it is time to save the password, it saves as 0, it is not sure, it should save the password, and another, when typing The password, I stop typing the last lentra or wrong number, normal log, being that was to open the dialog, password invalid!

You should really look up what strval is meant to be used for. Strval converts a string (i.e. text) that contains a number to its corresponding integer value. If the string (text) does not exclusively contain a number then strval will return 0. Passwords are strings (text) and should be stored as such. They should also be hashed and preferably salted to protect the player's privacy. See:

If you are a beginner I suggest using a ready-made and proven login system. So many things can go wrong when writing your own system and if you are a novice you WILL mess up. The account system is a sensitive and mission critical area and it is the one thing you don't want to mess up.

How do I save letters and numbers? Forum samp has been faster and practice in the responses, one day doing this system!

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