Might be off topic but..

Does anyone know C++ here??
I am trying to learn that language and it is hard. It was same as for pawno but problem is that I can't test code in C++ like I can in samp. I really want to learn it
If anyone has any good tut or tip post in comments.
I am sorry if this this off topic. Move to to another section if it is..
Thank you in advance

EDIT:I know some stuffs with it. Like input, output and currently I am learning to write/read from file. It is not much I know but I need to start from somewhere xD

Download dev ++, great tool for it & you can execute, too!

BTW I learned pawn from c++ & c#

Why can't you test c++ code? Get an ide and compiler for testing c++ programs. Also learning the basics of c++ is not hard as everyone says its easy. But if you jump into more advanced topics like linked list,data structures,pointers etc without knowing the basics and some theory then it will be confusing. The tutorial point gives a very good c++ guide to learn by ourselves. BTW it was the first language i learned so from that i would say that learning c++ can be handy in learning in other languages too.

I already have Dev C++.
I did some examples but I can't find anything that will boost my skills after I finish these tutorials. Most of them are not explained well or they don't have too much info. If there is free online book that you guys know it is good gimme link xD

If you want short note on file handling in c++ i can explain a bit :
To read and write files c++ uses fstream header
it consists of 3 classes ofstream(output purpose from c++ to file),ifstream(input purpose from file to c++)and fstream (both writing and reading).
Each of these classes have corresponding member functions to write,read,place the file pointer etc
Each file can opened in different modes(ios::app (append),ios::out(replaces all the old data) etc...and input modes like ios::in etc...).The binary files can also be operated using ios::bin mode.In c++ we use same i/o operators >> and << to read and write. Also we can read and write objects of class and structures using write and read functions.

Here are some useful pdfs that i found on ******:


Thx man
Will get right on it

Check out Bucky on *******.


He's awesome.

Thx man

I learned a lot of it from http://www.learncpp.com/

Lot of things are same or similar with pawn and it helps xD (or should I say pawn is similar to C++ )
if, else, for, switch, enums, strings, variables etc..

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