17.11.2016, 09:54
This error just happened.. Problm is when I type any command it says Unknown command
When I type /aveh it shows textdraws and it is working but it also says unkown command.
Also some commands are working and some not.. I don't get it I am confused..
I have this command
When I type /create org it says
And I keep saying that untill i fill all parameters. But as soon as I fill in every parameter it says
When I type /aveh it shows textdraws and it is working but it also says unkown command.
Also some commands are working and some not.. I don't get it I am confused..
I have this command
PHP код:
CMD:createorg(playerid, params[])
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] < 5)
ERROR(playerid, "You are not allowed to use that command");
return 1;
new org, name[33], Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:iX, Float:iY, Float:iZ;
if(sscanf(params, "s[33]fff", name, X, Y, Z))
USAGE(playerid, "/createorg [Name] [X-int] [Y-int] [Z-int]");
return 1;
PHP код:
USAGE: /createorg [Name] [X-int] [Y-int] [Z-int]
SERVER: Unknown Command