08.11.2016, 13:40
Последний раз редактировалось Stop; 08.11.2016 в 13:41.
Причина: Pz give me suggestion
guys we cant use this idea ?
if there is any cmd for gwar // gwar- minigame
so guys
we cant put something like this in the cmd of gwar ? becuase of the player will text god in gwar so the god cmd should not be use
i just want to say we cant have something like that when gwar going on so we can disable god cmd while gwar going ?
if there is any cmd for gwar // gwar- minigame
COMMAND:gwar(playerid, params[]) { if(Player[playerid][PlayerGang] != -1) { if(Gang[Player[playerid][PlayerGang]][CurrentZone] == -1) { new bool:found = false, i, total = 0, area = Area_GetPlayerAreas(playerid, 0); foreach(i : GangZones) { if(area == GangZone[i][ZoneArea]) { found = true; break; } } if(found) { if(!GangZone[i][ZoneStatus]) { if(GangZone[i][ZoneOwner] != Player[playerid][PlayerGang]) { new tick = GetTickCount() - GangZone[i][ZoneLocked], msg[128]; if(tick > (60000 * LOCKED_MINUTES)) { format(msg, sizeof(msg), "Capturing ~g~%s", GangZone[i][ZoneName]); foreach(new p : Player) { if(Player[p][PlayerGang] == Player[playerid][PlayerGang]) { if(Area_GetPlayerAreas(p, 0) == area) total++; PlayerTextDrawSetString(p, Player[p][CaptureTD][0], msg); PlayerTextDrawSetString(p, Player[p][CaptureTD][1], "-"); PlayerTextDrawShow(p, Player[p][CaptureTD][0]); PlayerTextDrawShow(p, Player[p][CaptureTD][1]); Gang[Player[playerid][PlayerGang]][GangTimer] = CAPTURE_TIME; } } format(msg, sizeof(msg), "{FE9A2E}** %s gang trying to capture %s zone with %d gang member!", Gang[Player[playerid][PlayerGang]][GangName], GangZone[i][ZoneName], total); SendClientMessageToAll(-1, msg); SendPlayerMessageToPlayer(0, playerid, "{FE9A2E}Before Gwar Make Sure you have disabled the GOTO Use /toggoto before gwar"); GangZone[i][ZoneStatus] = true; GangZone[i][ZoneTimer] = SetTimerEx("AttackZone", 1000, true, "dd", Player[playerid][PlayerGang], i); Gang[Player[playerid][PlayerGang]][CurrentZone] = i; GangZoneFlashForAll(GangZone[i][ZoneHolder], HexToInt("FF0000AA")); if(GangZone[i][ZoneOwner] != -1) { format(msg, sizeof(msg), "{FF0000}* ALERT!!! %s gang trying to capture your territory in %s", Gang[Player[playerid][PlayerGang]][GangName], GangZone[i][ZoneName]); SendGangMessage(GangZone[i][ZoneOwner], msg); } } else { format(msg, sizeof(msg), "{FF0000}This Zone is locked, please wait %.2f minute(s) to capture!", floatdiv(60000 * LOCKED_MINUTES - tick, 60 * 1000)); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, msg); } } else SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Your gang already owned this zone!"); } else SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Someone is trying to capture this zone!"); } else SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}You must be in gang zone to use this command!"); } else SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Your gang already started a war, please wait!"); } else SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}You must be a gang member to use this command!"); return 1; }
{ if (strcmp("/god", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}You Cant use this cmd in gwar!"); return 1; } return 0; }
i just want to say we cant have something like that when gwar going on so we can disable god cmd while gwar going ?