Compiler Crashing

After 1 hour spend to update the OnDialogResponse from if(dialogid....) to switch(dialogid...) my pawn compiler start crashing. I spent another 30-60 min to find a mising bracket or something, i can't find it lol.

it's have 7.2k lines and it's hard to see for me, any recomandation? I try to use the bracket finder from forum but not working. I don't know how to do....

1380 "{"
1381 "}"

Any decent text editor with search feature will tell you how many occurances of thing you search for it found. How to find the culprit? Comment out half of the suspect code, compile. Didn't compile? Good, comment out half of remaining code. And so on and so on until it compiles

Originally Posted by Misiur
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1380 "{"
1381 "}"

Any decent text editor with search feature will tell you how many occurances of thing you search for it found. How to find the culprit? Comment out half of the suspect code, compile. Didn't compile? Good, comment out half of remaining code. And so on and so on until it compiles
Well....i don't think to do that, stupid me....Thanks, i use notepad++.....

Edit: Change to Sublime Text 3, do some testing, aparently the ondialogresponse is kinda broken , and the update broke it completly.....

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