Vehicle not spawned

Hey there.. im take from defent mode some cmd /vstorage
and he working on the server but the cars not spawned.. i mean im login to the server and the cars respawn alone.. what im doing?

CMD:vstorage(playerid, params[])
new vstring[1024];
for(new i, iModelID; i < MAX_PLAYERVEHICLES; i++) {
if((iModelID = PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][i][pvModelId] - 400) >= 0) {
if(PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][i][pvImpounded]) {
format(vstring, sizeof(vstring), "%s\n%s (impounded)", vstring, VehicleName[iModelID]);
else if(PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][i][pvDisabled]) {
format(vstring, sizeof(vstring), "%s\n%s (disabled)", vstring, VehicleName[iModelID]);
else if(!PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][i][pvSpawned]) {
format(vstring, sizeof(vstring), "%s\n%s (stored)", vstring, VehicleName[iModelID]);
else format(vstring, sizeof(vstring), "%s\n%s (spawned)", vstring, VehicleName[iModelID]);
else strcat(vstring, "\nEmpty");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, VSTORAGE, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Vehicle storage", vstring, "(De)spawn", "Cancel");
return 1;


Search in your GM the part where the vehicles spawns and delete or comment ( /* */ ) it.
Then in your dialog 'VSTORAGE' make them spawn.

Originally Posted by Ner0x96
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Search in your GM the part where the vehicles spawns and delete or comment ( /* */ ) it.
Then in your dialog 'VSTORAGE' make them spawn.
you dont know where this spawn vehicles cmd ?

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