Graphic lag

Hello, first of all I give you the specs of my computer.

AMD A10-7700K Radeon R7, 10 Compute Cores 4C+ l 3,40GHz

Now the problem, i think with this pc i should't have lag (no internet lag, i refer graphic lag, the game goes slow, at least so it seems) I don't have graphic mods as colormod, tymecyc, enb, etc. My gta is virgin (only weapons but i dont think that 4 weapon mods can lag me xd).

I play in deathmatch in pro servers and this is a problem for me, because in some moments the people can kill me easly for this graphic lag. Btw: My pc is formatted since two days, i don't have virus, malwares, etc, always the game it goes with some lag.

I have seen people with computers worse than mine, with hight resolution (i play in 800x600 xd) and enb series in DEATHMATCH and they don't have lag.

BTW: In training servers in stadium without objetcs or heavy maps, i have with fpsunlock 300FPS, in servers where have very vehicles (for example, area 51 in cod servers) my fps decreased to 90.

BTW 2: I have a very very very old display, this may affect? (this is my display xd)

---------------Yes i have a frame limiter OFF, and ALL OFF. BTW: It is not a bestial lag, even a little lag, it affect me.

Make sure all your drivers are upto date.

GTA SA runs on the GTA 3's engine, if your FPS is higher, you will die if you climb objects and you also walk/ sprint faster in low FPS. It's better to use some kind of graphical mods that can lower your FPS for these advantages.

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