[FilterScript] Halloween Event


You can kill players or find gift boxes that spawn around the map to get yourself some candy, then spend your hard earned candy on the candy shop buying weapons, health/armor, spawning gift boxes for everyone or you can just keep the candy and be a top 15 candy collector!

Changing Stuff

Item Prices - You can use defines under "// shop config" line to change prices of health kit/armor/gift boxes.
Weapon Prices - You can use ShopWeapons array to change candy shop weapon data like prices or ammo or add/remove weapons.
Gift Box Spawns - You can use GiftBoxCoords array to add/change/remove gift box spawn coords, singleplayer bribe pickup coords are used by default.
Gift Box Rewards - You can take a look at OnPlayerPickUpDynamicPickup to change gift box rewards.


#define I_WANT_HATS_DAMMIT - Gives players a witch hat, it clips with most of the skins though. You can comment or remove this line to disable this feature.
#define PUMPKIN_DROPS - Killed players drop a pumpkin, pumpkins give candy when picked up.
#define ATTACH_INDEX - For the witch hat, you can change this to prevent witch hat replacing other attachments. (Default: 8)

#define GIFT_AMOUNT - Amount of gift boxes spawn on a timed gift drop. (Default: 3)
#define GIFT_INTERVAL - Interval of timed drops, in seconds. (Default: 600)
#define GIFT_LIFETIME - Life time of a gift box, in seconds. (Default: 300)
#define GIFT_MIN_MONEY - Min. amount of money a player can get from a gift box. (Default: 500)
#define GIFT_MAX_MONEY - Max. amount of money a player can get from a gift box. (Default: 2000)
#define GIFT_MIN_CANDY - Min. amount of candy a player can get from a gift box. (Default: 3)
#define GIFT_MAX_CANDY - Max. amount of candy a player can get from a gift box. (Default: 9)

#define PUMPKIN_LIFETIME - Life time of a pumpkin, in seconds. (Default: 120)
#define PUMPKIN_CANDY - Amount of candies a player receives when they pick up a pumpkin. (Default: 3)

#define MEDKIT_PRICE - Price of a medkit/health refill, in candies. (Default: 5)
#define ARMOR_PRICE - Price of a body armor, in candies. (Default: 5)
#define GIFT_PRICE - Price of a gift box, in cash. (Default: 5000)
#define GIFT_PRICE_CANDY - Price of a gift box, in candies. (Default: 10)


/giftboxes - Shows a list of existing gift boxes with their location.
/topcollectors - Shows a list of 15 players with the most candy.
/candyshop - Opens the candy shop dialog.

RCON Only:

/givecandy [player id] [amount] - Gives candy to the specified player.
/giveallcandy [amount] - Gives candy to everyone on the server.
/dropgift - Spawns a gift box on your location.
/dropgiftaround [amount] - Spawns gift boxes on gift box spawn locations.


Slice for SQLite Improved
Incognito for Streamer Plugin
Yashas for Improved ZCMD
Y_Less & maddinat0r & Misiur for sscanf.



Woah! Niceee!


your work is very good, maybe use it for tomorrow

How about adding a Zombie that comes out of the Gift Box? Would be cool.

Nicely done, happy halloween!

COOL I'll Use it in My Server Thanks And Happy Halloween!

Wow Nice Event. Love it.

Nice job!!!



It looks really fun, good job!


Well done!

Cool... Can i get .amx please? idk why i cant Compile your script.

@OffTopic:- Which Dialoge Skin are you using for SAMP? its cool, can you PM me its Download link?

Very Nice

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