datahandler plugin

Did anyone have I have .dll but I need for linux, I think someone should have it.

Well,don't use leaked gms,ok.
I know that you were downloaded PLA scripts.

Originally Posted by Dice_
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Well,don't use leaked gms,ok.
I know that you were downloaded PLA scripts.
Is for a friend, he need the plugin for his gm, but i search and I can t find it, I know someone should have it

Code it yourself

Originally Posted by Spmn
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Code it yourself
Yeah right, don't post for post hunting, I asked if anyone have the plugin I think from all samp players someone maybe have it, I don't even know what plugin should do.

Then perhaps your friend should come here and tell us, instead of using you as a middleman. If what Dice_ says is true and this is a custom coded plugin then I'm afraid you're shit out of luck. Also using leaked or stolen scripts is extremely low.

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