Writing within dialog

Hey, I'm working on Emmet's gamemode, trying to learn some of his dialog include, and I tried to switch the character list within this gamemode (South Central) and I'm trying to show dialog in the character list instead of textdraw now suddenly it shows only the empty characters and not the created characters already, here is it:

for (new i = 0; i < 8; i ++)
	    if (i < 3) {
	        format(str, sizeof(str), "%s", (!PlayerCharacters[playerid][i][0]) ? ("Empty Slot") : (PlayerCharacters[playerid][i]));

			PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, PlayerData[playerid][pTextdraws][i + 5], str);
	    /*PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, PlayerData[playerid][pTextdraws][i]);
		PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, PlayerData[playerid][pTextdraws][i]);*/
		Dialog_Show(playerid, ShowCharacterMenu, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Account Characters", str, "Close", "Select");
I think this line is the character names but how do I write as a text within the dialog:

PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, PlayerData[playerid][pTextdraws][i + 5], str);

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