[WILD WEST SERVER] Ingame GUI preview

This is merely a preview of a work in progress but I thought it could use some feedback.

The ingame interface changes depending on what firearm you equip. If you hold a weapon, it will show the amount of bullets in it's chamber, the proper name, and a preview model of the firearm.

If you don't hold a weapon, it will show your character's money and the ingame date (for example 18:03 - Saturday, 23th of June, 1881). We have a custom time system (one month = two weeks, for example) and as such random events such as mayor elections, random events (including seasons) and so on will occur, so it is something a player would want to pay attention to.

For example: if winter is coming, you won't be able to hunt as much and thus be unable to get food, unless you buy it.

Inventory System Preview: https://youtu.be/rHm8eC26w6o

Old: http://i.imgur.com/jAniaz4.png

Here's a preview with the custom time script, showcasing the ability to show day names, proper day ordinal suffix, months (including leap years) and seasons.

A minute is two seconds, you do the math.


Great Work , your design looks like mine

Sweet! looking forward to seeing it online! It reminds me of an old game called "Outlaws".

Originally Posted by JPedro
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Great Work , your design looks like mine
I must admit I saw your screenshot and decided to add your borders and the dividers to mine. :P

Its pretty interesting what are you doing.

Nice work

Thanks everyone. I updated the inventory preview as I just made it compatible with the GUI system.

Before: http://i.imgur.com/7EAC1ne.png
After: http://i.imgur.com/XQ8MjQE.png

Nice work, looks epic!

Oh, alright. Sound similar. My apologies, good work, and best wishes!

Added a preview of the posse menu. There can max. be twelve "recognised" posses, they require a constant activity of four players. If they fail to maintain it, the posse gets removed from the recognised list after a month of solid inactivity.

When creating a posse, the posse leader can decide what to show as the logo (either a texture or an object model), and adjust the posse name and description. They are ranked per id.

Originally Posted by [ND]xXZeusXx.
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Oh, alright. Sound similar. My apologies, good work, and best wishes!
Nothing to apologise for, it is indeed very similar


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