09.10.2016, 06:47
When i run samp-server.exe i got this error, maybe somone can help me?
Already updated all inc and plugins.
Server Log:
Error on pawn maybe?
[14:23:45] Error: Function not registered: 'MapAndreas_GetAddress' [14:23:45] Script[gamemodes/dayzmysql.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [14:23:45] Number of vehicle models: 0
Server Log:
SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team [14:23:45] filterscripts = "" (string) [14:23:45] [14:23:45] Server Plugins [14:23:45] -------------- [14:23:45] Loading plugin: mysql [14:23:45] >> plugin.mysql: R33 successfully loaded. [14:23:45] Loaded. [14:23:45] Loading plugin: streamer [14:23:45] *** Streamer Plugin v2.7.7 by Incognito loaded *** [14:23:45] Loaded. [14:23:45] Loading plugin: sscanf [14:23:45] [14:23:45] =============================== [14:23:45] sscanf plugin loaded. [14:23:45] Version: 2.8.1 [14:23:45] © 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [14:23:45] =============================== [14:23:45] Loaded. [14:23:45] Loading plugin: FCNPC [14:23:45] [14:23:45] ------------------------------------------------- [14:23:45] FCNPC - Fully Controllable NPC v1.0.0 [14:23:45] [14:23:45] - Author: OrMisicL [14:23:45] - Contributors: ziggi, Neutralneu [14:23:45] - Server version: 0.3.7 R2-1 [14:23:45] - Build: Feb 21 2016 at 20:54:30 [14:23:45] ------------------------------------------------- [14:23:45] [14:23:45] Loading... [14:23:45] Loaded. [14:23:45] Loading plugin: MapAndreas [14:23:45] Loaded. [14:23:45] Loading plugin: Whirlpool [14:23:45] [14:23:45] ================== [14:23:45] [14:23:45] Whirlpool loaded [14:23:45] [14:23:45] ================== [14:23:45] [14:23:45] Loaded. [14:23:45] Loading plugin: nativechecker [14:23:45] Loaded. [14:23:45] Loaded 7 plugins. [14:23:45] [14:23:45] Filterscripts [14:23:45] --------------- [14:23:45] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [14:23:45] Error: Function not registered: 'MapAndreas_GetAddress' [14:23:45] Script[gamemodes/dayzmysql.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [14:23:45] Number of vehicle models: 0
Error on pawn maybe?
// MapAndreas_Init(MAP_ANDREAS_MODE_FULL); FCNPC_InitMapAndreas(MapAndreas_GetAddress()); FCNPC_SetUpdateRate(80); new querystr[1700]; strcat(querystr,"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` (`Username` varchar(24) NOT NULL,`Password` varchar(128) NOT NULL,`Headshots` int(11) NOT NULL,`Murders` int(11) NOT NULL,`BanditsKilled` int(11) NOT NULL,`ZombiesKilled` int(11) NOT NULL, `Backpack` int(11) NOT NULL,`BackpackSlots` int(11) NOT NULL,"); strcat(querystr,"`BackpackSlotsUsed` int(11) NOT NULL,`pAdminLevel` int(11) NOT NULL,`pPremium` int(11) NOT NULL,`pX` float NOT NULL,`pY` float NOT NULL,`pZ` float NOT NULL,`pWeap1` int(11) NOT NULL,`pAmmo1` int(11) NOT NULL,`pWeap2` int(11) NOT NULL,"); strcat(querystr,"`pAmmo2` int(11) NOT NULL,`pWeap3` int(11) NOT NULL,`pAmmo3` int(11) NOT NULL,`pWeap4` int(11) NOT NULL,`pAmmo4` int(11) NOT NULL,`pWeap5` int(11) NOT NULL,`pAmmo5` int(11) NOT NULL,`pWeap6` int(11) NOT NULL,`pAmmo6` int(11) NOT NULL,`pWeap7` int(11) NOT NULL,"); strcat(querystr,"`pAmmo7` int(11) NOT NULL,`pWeap8` int(11) NOT NULL,`pAmmo8` int(11) NOT NULL,`pWeap9` int(11) NOT NULL,`pAmmo9` int(11) NOT NULL,`pHour` int(11) NOT NULL,`pMin` int(11) NOT NULL,`pSec` int(11) NOT NULL,`pBlood` int(11) NOT NULL,`pThrist` int(11) NOT NULL,"); strcat(querystr,"`pHunger` int(11) NOT NULL,`Humanity` int(11) NOT NULL,`pFirstSpawn` int(11) NOT NULL,`pAliveTime` int(11) NOT NULL,`pIsMapOpened` int(11) NOT NULL,`pSkin` int(11) NOT NULL,`Helper` int(11) NOT NULL,`IsPlayerBleeding` int(11) NOT NULL,"); strcat(querystr,"`IsPlayerLegBroken` int(11) NOT NULL,`pAmbientEnable` int(11) NOT NULL,`DefaultGender` int(11) NOT NULL, `IP` varchar(16) NOT NULL,`ID` int(11) NOT NULL)");
echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password MyRconPassword maxplayers 200 port 7777 hostname Modern Life [0.3.7] gamemode0 dayzmysql plugins mysql streamer sscanf FCNPC MapAndreas Whirlpool nativechecker filterscripts announce 0 chatlogging 0 weburl www.sa-mp.com onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc 100 logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S] language English