Limiting Player's health.

Hi there. Is there a way to limit the health of all players to 99.0 because im making an anti cheat and when player has 100 then it could be a possible health hack. Is there any way to limit the health to 99.0?

Yeah, hook SetPlayerHealth so if it's over 99.0 then set it to 99.0 (take in consideration vending machines and so on).

Is there any way that keeps updating the player with the health? public OnPlayerUpdate?

OnPlayerUpdate can cause massive lag, it needs to be handled carefully, but who gives a damn about it when we have taking and giving damage callbacks..
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart)
    if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)   // ensure that issuer is not invalid
        new Float:Health;
        GetPlayerHealth(playerid, Health); // saved the current health
		if(amount > 99.0)   // checked the amount if its above 99.0
		    SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 99.0); // then set it back to 99.0
		    SetPlayerHealth(playerid, Health + amount); // otherwise give the player the same amount which is taken from him by issuer
    return 1;

Managed to make it but it will be sent only 1 time using sendtoadmin. Right? But anticheat keeps sending the warning message repeatly. How can i make it to keep sending the message repeatly?What i did is this.
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    new Float:Health2;
	if(GetPlayerHealth(playerid, Health2) >= 100)
		new string[120];
	    format(string, sizeof(string), "%s is health hacking.(Server player health: 99, Player health: %d)", PN(playerid), GetPlayerHealth(playerid, Health2));
 		SendToAdmins(COLOR_RED, string);
    return 1;

And this procedure applies same for the weapons?

Your code will spam admins chat on every move he will do.
Try this one:

stock _SetPlayerHealth(playerid, health)
        if(health >= 100)
	       SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 99));
#define SetPlayerHealth(%0,%1) _SetPlayerHealth(%0, %1)

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