09.10.2016, 03:36
Hello, im gona create the Furniture System, all thing it cool but after complete that all i got a problem. How to save Material for Furniture ? Mah Furniture System array using on House Enum.
That okey, but that can't not use array for String Variable for store Txd Name and TextureName like TxdName[16][MAX_FURNITURE].
If i take out Furniture Variable from House Enum using new variable like Furniture[MAX_HOUSE][MAX_FURNITURE][params]. That make my gamemode really big capacity. (5mb to 49 or 50mb). Do we have the way for store that thing without increase gamemode capacity ? Thank for the help.
enum houseparams { hID, hOwner, hName[64], hEnterVW, hEnterInt, hExitVW, hExitInt, hPickup, Float:hExPos[4], Float:hIntPos[4], Text3D:hText3D[2], // Furniture hFurID[MAX_FURNITURE], hFurModel[MAX_FURNITURE], hFurniture[MAX_FURNITURE], Float:hFurPosX[MAX_FURNITURE], Float:hFurPosY[MAX_FURNITURE], Float:hFurPosZ[MAX_FURNITURE], Float:hFurRotX[MAX_FURNITURE], Float:hFurRotY[MAX_FURNITURE], Float:hFurRotZ[MAX_FURNITURE], hFurVW[MAX_FURNITURE], hFurInt[MAX_FURNITURE], } new House[MAX_HOUSES][houseparams]; |
Example: enum params { furTxdName[16][MAX_FURNITURE], furTextureName[16][MAX_FURNITURE], } new House[MAX_HOUSES][houseparams]; |