Help me admin cmd doubt

I have a admin system in my script LSP-RP

But where do i find them? or modify the commands to lower level admins etc.. Please help

Do you mean to make commands for lower level admins and higher level admins at once(Only a command not repeating it twice.).

there is only one solution learn scripting

I mean how to configure the admin commmands for example /goto is there on my game mode for junior admin
but its only authorized for head admins++ so how am i supposed to configure it to junior admin?

Originally Posted by KaisAggarwal
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I mean how to configure the admin commmands for example /goto is there on my game mode for junior admin
but its only authorized for head admins++ so how am i supposed to configure it to junior admin?
it depends of how your admin script is written

Just go to the command and check for a lower admin level.
Like this:
if (Admin[playerid] < 5) return 1;
Change to:
if (Admin[playerid] < 1) return 1;
Something like this, I hope you got the idea.

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