22.09.2016, 18:01
I have a problem, i dont know why.
I have system where after 60 seconds player dont have activity sending him in AFK mod.
Problem is here:
Im ID:0, server sending me in afk mod after no activity, but ID: 1 (friend) him not send in AFK mod.
this is on timer. ( 1 second ) on this timer is where server giving to player +1000 for no activity
I have a problem, i dont know why.
I have system where after 60 seconds player dont have activity sending him in AFK mod.
Problem is here:
Im ID:0, server sending me in afk mod after no activity, but ID: 1 (friend) him not send in AFK mod.
if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(IsLogged[playerid] == true) { if(inactivetime[playerid] > 60000 && AFKstatus[playerid] == 0) { AFKstatus[playerid] = 1; new sstring[124]; format(sstring, sizeof(sstring), "[SERVER]: "COL_GREY"%s [ID:%d] je prebacen u AFK mod radi neaktivnosti 2 minute.", GetName(playerid), playerid); SendMessageToStaff(COLOR_ADMINPURPLE, sstring); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[SERVER]: "COL_WHITE"Server vas je prebacio u AFK mod radi duze neaktivnosti od 2 minute."); } } } if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(IsLogged[playerid] == true) { if(inactivetime[playerid] < 60000 && AFKstatus[playerid] == 1) { AFKstatus[playerid] = 0; new sstring[124]; format(sstring, sizeof(sstring), "[SERVER]: "COL_GREY"%s [ID:%d] vise nije u AFK modu.", GetName(playerid), playerid); SendMessageToStaff(COLOR_ADMINPURPLE, sstring); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[SERVER]: "COL_WHITE"Vise niste u AFK modu."); } } }