Information about client connection

So when i try to connect to any server i get this box.

I want to know if these two fields are used for anything because as it seems when i enter the password and rcon password for a server a hit Save, when i restart SAMP the information i typed in is gone..

I have both the password and rcon password of the server..

Any info please?

Thanks in advance..

You enter server password when server is locked like the server hostname appear as red.

Server RCON is also used for same purpose and if you hit save, restart SA-MP and then join again the same server so both of the passwords will be in the fields.

enter the password (and the rcon) and hit save. When you will try to connect to that server, the password will be already in the field box (and when you will be connected successfully it will connect you with the RCON).

No it wont, the RCON field is obsolete for years already, and it seems that removing it (or actually making it work) is impossible or too hard.

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