04.09.2016, 18:56
Hello! I have the following code:
I can create cars. Let's imagine I create 5 cars. If I delete the car number 3, carid of 4 and 5 will be 3 and 4. How I can get the correct variables if the id has changed? For example, if I want to use the /respawncar.
But with this code the car goes to another vehicle location because is getting X, Y, Z of the last vehicle inserted on the id. When I remove the car, I don't delete the variables and I know that the problem is that, but if I delete the variables (equalig them to 0), the car goes to 0,0,0. Any help?
enum Vehicles { ID, Plate[30 char], Model, Color1, Color2, Float:PosX, Float:PosY, Float:PosZ, Float:PosA, Text3D:NameLabel, VehicleID, Float:Health, bool:Created } new Vehicle[MAX_VEHICLES][Vehicules];
CMD:respawncar(playerid, params[]) { new level = AdminCheck(playerid); if(level >= 1) { new id; if(sscanf(params, "d", id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{40D3FF}[SRV]: {FFFFFF}Use: /respawncar [carid]"); if(IsVehicleEmpty(id) && Vehicle[VehicleIDX(id)][Stats] == 0) { new Float:health; GetVehicleHealth(id, health); GuardarHealth(id, health); SetVehicleToRespawn(id); SetVehicleHealth(id, health); SetVehiclePos(id, Vehicle[id][PosX], Vehicle[id][PosY], Vehicle[id][PosZ]); new Playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; Playername = GetName(playerid); new astring[256]; format(astring, sizeof(astring), "{E34B25}[ADM]: {FFFFFF}%s(%d) respawned ID: %d.", Playername, playerid, id); AdminsBroadCast(-1, astring); if(IsPlayerConnected(GetPlayerIdFromName(Vehicle[id][Owner]))) { new mess[200]; format(mess,sizeof(mess),"{40D3FF}[SRV]: {FFFFFF}%s has send your vehicle %s to yhe last saved park position.", Playername, GetVehicleName(Vehicle[id][Model])); SendClientMessage(GetPlayerIdFromName(Vehicle[id][Owner]), -1, mess); } } } else { return 0; } return 1; }