01.09.2016, 19:56
i recently got a mysql gm and im working with it now the problem is that the gamemode wont connect to MYSQL and gamemode shows "unknown".
here is script of connection to mysql
ongamemode int
i recently got a mysql gm and im working with it now the problem is that the gamemode wont connect to MYSQL and gamemode shows "unknown".
here is script of connection to mysql
stock ConnectToDatabase() { printf("[ConnectToMainPipeline:] Connecting to %s...", SQL_DATA); mysql_log(LOG_ERROR | LOG_WARNING | LOG_DEBUG); MySQLPipeline = mysql_connect(SQL_HOST, SQL_USER, SQL_DATA, SQL_PASS, 3306, true, 2); if(mysql_errno(MySQLPipeline) != 0) { printf("[MySQL] (MySQLPipeline) Fatal Error! Could not connect to MySQL: Host %s - DB: %s - User: %s", SQL_HOST, SQL_DATA, SQL_USER); print("[MySQL] Note: Make sure that you have provided the correct connection credentials."); printf("[MySQL] Error number: %d", mysql_errno(MySQLPipeline)); SendRconCommand("exit"); } return 1; }
#define SQL_HOST "localhost" #define SQL_USER "root" #define SQL_PASS "" #define SQL_DATA "testt"