Skip class selection when player is registered

Hi I would like to make it so when a player is registered it kinda freeze the "Next and "Previous" button on the class selection and does not show a skin and when he click "Spawn" it set his last skin and class. I'm already saving skin and class but for some reason it's not working.

OnPlayerConnect I have my Register and Login dialogs and some textdraws.

OnPlayerRequestClass I have the class selection and my team skins.

OnPlayerSpawn I have my team settings(Weapons, Spawns, etc..)

I tried to force the player spawn when he's done login but it didnt work. I would like to know how to make the Next and Previous buttons not working and then when he spawns I'll be able to apply the saved data like Skin and Team.

If(DiniExist) // or how you check it

I tought bout this but it doesnt work

pawn Код:

I'm bumping this...I have the same problem

I had that problem too try using SpawnPlayer(playerid); at the place where your player logins

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