26.07.2016, 14:27
I want to run Gammix new script, i somehow compiled his gm and try to run but its says "Runtime error" please help me guys 
This is my server.cfg review it and please tell me if theres any problems
This is my server-log... please check it out 
P.S: I wanna run Gammix new script World War IV (build 7) but i compiled it somehow(facing errors
xD) but when i try to start it but cant... please help me guys or give me Complete GM folder without any errors and bugs or please help me to start server properly, i wanna put this script on hosted tab

This is my server.cfg review it and please tell me if theres any problems

echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password 123456 maxplayers 50 port 7777 hostname SA-MP 0.3 Server gamemode0 worldwar filterscripts maps plugins ColAndreas regex sscanf streamer announce 0 chatlogging 0 weburl www.sa-mp.com onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc 0 logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S] language English

---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team [20:04:35] [20:04:35] Server Plugins [20:04:35] -------------- [20:04:35] Loading plugin: ColAndreas [20:04:35] ********************* [20:04:35] ** Created By: ** [20:04:35] ** [uL]Chris42O ** [20:04:35] ** [uL]Slice ** [20:04:35] ** [uL]Pottus ** [20:04:35] ********************* [20:04:59] Loaded collision data. [20:04:59] ********************* [20:04:59] ColAndreas Loaded [20:04:59] v1.4.0 [20:04:59] ********************* [20:04:59] Loaded. [20:04:59] Loading plugin: regex [20:05:00] [20:05:00] ______________________________________ [20:05:00] Regular Expression Plugin v0.2.1 loaded [20:05:00] ______________________________________ [20:05:00] By: Fro © Copyright <TBG> 2009-2011 [20:05:00] ______________________________________ [20:05:00] Loaded. [20:05:00] Loading plugin: sscanf [20:05:01] [20:05:01] =============================== [20:05:01] sscanf plugin loaded. [20:05:01] Version: 2.8.1 [20:05:01] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole [20:05:01] =============================== [20:05:01] Loaded. [20:05:01] Loading plugin: streamer [20:05:01] *** Streamer Plugin v2.5 by Incognito loaded *** [20:05:01] Loaded. [20:05:01] Loaded 4 plugins. [20:05:03] [20:05:03] Filterscripts [20:05:03] --------------- [20:05:03] Loading filterscript 'maps.amx'... [20:05:06] ============================================ [20:05:06] * World war gaming - Maps filterscript loaded [20:05:06] ============================================ [20:05:06] Loaded 1 filterscripts. [20:05:06] Script[gamemodes/worldwar.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [20:05:06] Number of vehicle models: 24