Need help in a team selection system

Thanks for helping..
Well I got a way to make things working...
Could you verify that this way would work or not..
Firstly I made a gteam variable and put all the teams as for example arabia1, arabia2, arabia2 and so now I can also set their spawn points manually on the onplayerspawn callback....
Now time to take the values of gTeam variable and to out them all in one....just like joining pieces of puzzle..
I will create a function when arabia1, arabia2, arabia3 would come into a single team...Arabia
And now I can use gteam2 to give the value Arabia in total....and whenever I use any team commands we can then use that gteam2 to check the player's team... idea....full fills all the things I mentioned but is a bit messy tho....still
Would it work?

Messages In This Thread
Need help in a team selection system - by Ankon - 25.07.2016, 06:59
Re: Need help in a team selection system - by Sew_Sumi - 25.07.2016, 09:41
Re: Need help in a team selection system - by Ankon - 25.07.2016, 10:06
Re: Need help in a team selection system - by Sew_Sumi - 25.07.2016, 12:48
Re: Need help in a team selection system - by Ankon - 26.07.2016, 04:17
Re: Need help in a team selection system - by Sew_Sumi - 26.07.2016, 05:01
Re: Need help in a team selection system - by Shinja - 26.07.2016, 22:00

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