Amx saves to root of local disk

I don't know why , but for the past few days whenever i compile my script (its located at D:/gta sa/samp server/gamemodes/) , the amx file is also created at the root of the disk (that is at D:/). Is there a reason for this?

In the beginning i was unable to upload the amx at gamemodes folder in my test server , it gave an error saying maximum upload limit is 50mb but the amx was only 150 kb
Later i could upload the amx at the root of the disk at test server but now it's showing the same problem regarding space.

The pwn files that i compiled few days ago could be uploaded but not the ones that i compile recently

Are you using pawno editor, or some custom build, like in sublime for example? Spaces in your path will screw up location if they're not wrapped in quotes.

I use pawno editor only

and recently when i tried to create a stock , my pawncc crashed . i removed that stock and it worked again.
but only from then i'm having this problem.

can anyone help me out?

Still looking for a solution

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