[Ajuda] Streamer Desatualizada ?

Boa tarde
Estou tendo esse erro quando entro na Agкncia de emprego, alguйm poderia me ajudar?
E estou com 2 pickup de saida dentro da agкncia, como arrumar? Se realmente for desatualizada, por gentileza peзo que me envie o link para download, baixei uma mas o erro continuou.

[14:29:16] ~ Game Mode Brasil Project Fatality iniciado ~
[14:29:16] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[14:29:17] Number of vehicle models: 62
[14:29:43] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[14:29:44] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[14:29:45] [join] [PF]Gabriel has joined the server (0:
[14:30:32] *** Streamer_CallbackHook: Expecting 11 parameter(s), but found 3
[14:30:32] *** Streamer_CallbackHook: Expecting 11 parameter(s), but found 3



Deu esses erros:

[18:37:30] Loading filterscript 'SetP.amx'...
[18:37:30] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:37:30] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook
[18:37:30] [debug] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel
[18:37:30] [debug] DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel
[18:37:30] Loaded 6 filterscripts.

[18:37:30] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:37:30] [debug] CreateDynamicObject
[18:37:30] [debug] CreateDynamicMapIcon
[18:37:30] [debug] DestroyDynamicMapIcon
[18:37:30] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:37:30] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook
[18:37:30] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:37:30] [debug] CreateDynamicObject
[18:37:30] [debug] CreateDynamicMapIcon
[18:37:30] [debug] DestroyDynamicMapIcon
[18:37:30] Script[gamemodes/GMSDS.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:37:30] Number of vehicle models: 0


Vocк tem qe atualizar( colocar as includes e plugins em suas respectivas pastas, e recompilar seu script);

Fiz tudo como vocк falou.
Fui na pasta Pawno - Include e coloquei o streamer.inc
Fui na pasta plugins e colocoquei o streamer.dll e streamer.so, apуs isso recompilei. O mesmo erro persiste:

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[21:38:05] Server Plugins
[21:38:05] --------------
[21:38:05] Loading plugin: streamer
[21:38:05] Failed.
[21:38:05] Loading plugin: sscanf

[21:38:05] ===============================

[21:38:05] sscanf plugin loaded.

[21:38:05] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[21:38:05] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[21:38:05] ===============================

[21:38:05] Loaded.
[21:38:05] Loading plugin: crashdetect
[21:38:05] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[21:38:05] Loaded.
[21:38:05] Loaded 2 plugins.

[21:38:05] Filterscripts
[21:38:05] ---------------
[21:38:05] Loading filterscript 'Elevador.amx'...
[21:38:05] Loading filterscript 'PortaoDP.amx'...
[21:38:05] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:38:05] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook
[21:38:05] Loading filterscript 'ElevadorDP.amx'...
[21:38:05] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:38:05] [debug] Streamer_RegisterInterface
[21:38:05] [debug] Streamer_AddPlayer
[21:38:05] [debug] Streamer_RemovePlayer
[21:38:05] [debug] Streamer_VerifyPickup
[21:38:05] [debug] Streamer_VerifyCheckpoint
[21:38:05] Loading filterscript 'PortaoADM.amx'...
[21:38:05] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:38:05] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook
[21:38:05] Loading filterscript 'motor.amx'...
[21:38:05] Unable to load filterscript 'motor.amx'.
[21:38:05] Loading filterscript 'SetP.amx'...
[21:38:05] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:38:05] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook
[21:38:05] [debug] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel
[21:38:05] [debug] DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel
[21:38:05] Loaded 5 filterscripts.

[21:38:05] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:38:05] [debug] CreateDynamicObject
[21:38:05] [debug] CreateDynamicMapIcon
[21:38:05] [debug] DestroyDynamicMapIcon
[21:38:05] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:38:05] [debug] Streamer_CallbackHook
[21:38:05] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:38:05] [debug] CreateDynamicObject
[21:38:05] [debug] CreateDynamicMapIcon
[21:38:05] [debug] DestroyDynamicMapIcon
[21:38:05] Script[gamemodes/GMSDS.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:38:05] Number of vehicle models: 0


se vocк atualizou e o erro persiste, entгo lhe falta msvc, sscanf plugin desatualizado tambйm.

Eu atualizei tudo, mais aн que nгo funciona mesmo. Tudo na mesma versгo aн para de funcionar. E com a atual que estou, os icones do mapa nгo mostra mais. Vale lembrar que meu windows й 64x Win10

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