21.07.2016, 20:55
Could anyone for example transfer this to R39-5 version, I use R5 before and now transfering to newer version but this part I just can't.
while(mysql_fetch_row(string) == 1) I can't find anything to change this part, so if someone could please transfer whole this code into newer version that I would understand, thanks.
stock LoadFuelInfo() { new string[256]; mysql_tquery(g_iHandle, "SELECT * FROM `duomenys`" ); mysql_store_result(); new i = 0, siuksle; while(mysql_fetch_row(string) == 1) { sscanf(string,"p<|>dddd", siuksle, vBakas[ i ], vValgo[ i ], vSlotai[ i ] ); i++; } mysql_free_result( ); return 1; }