Help again about mysql connection

Server log error

[17:40:22] [DayZ MySQL]: Connection to database (dayz) failed!

gamemode line

#define mysql_host "localhost"
#define mysql_user  "zp_hid11784"
#define mysql_password "---------"
#define mysql_database  "zp_hid11784"

What's going on..

If you are trying to connect your server through your host, ask them for the MySQL host IP if localhost is not working. If they say localhost is okay then make sure your mysql username, password, and database name is correct.

If you're running it on your localhost with xamp or wamp by default there won't be a password set for the MySQL dtabase, if that's the case make sure you leave the password field blank.

Well I resolved it. I was figuring out why it won't work and I pressed "post" mistakenly.

Sorry guys.

Thanks for your help anyway

( I was editing the wrong GM in the wrong folder)

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