[Include] dini2.inc - Improved dini file processor with amazing benchmarks (aka. gini)!

Originally Posted by Gammix
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Then the timer will close the file, its optional; "dini_Timeout" is just for efficiency.
But, If you are writing new code with dini2, you should use this function after Setting/Getting data, its just like any other INI_Close function.
Ok I'll add it then, thanks man.

My script uses dini, i compiled my script with dini2.inc, placed it all correctly but this is what i get.

C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(13663) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(13698) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(13733) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(13768) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(13803) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(13842) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(13877) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(15738) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(23007) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(23855) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(23898) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(23906) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(23909) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(23955) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(24010) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(24018) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(24021) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(32970) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(33008) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
C:\Users\Miki\Desktop\V\gamemodes\Vault1.pwn(33195) : error 017: undefined symbol "DINI_frenametextfile"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

20 Errors.

@Mike861: "DINI_frenametextfile" wasn't there in original dini.inc, but i made it anyway in the new update, get v3.1 and it will compile without errors.

Update v3.1:
- New function added: DINI_frenametextfile
- Improved DINI_fcopytextfile

Originally Posted by Gammix
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@Mike861: "DINI_frenametextfile" wasn't there in original dini.inc, but i made it anyway in the new update, get v3.1 and it will compile without errors.

Update v3.1:
- New function added: DINI_frenametextfile
- Improved DINI_fcopytextfile
But i saw it in original Dini.inc, it was literally in the bottom of the code.

Originally Posted by Gammix
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@Mike861: "DINI_frenametextfile" wasn't there in original dini.inc, but i made it anyway in the new update, get v3.1 and it will compile without errors.

Update v3.1:
- New function added: DINI_frenametextfile
- Improved DINI_fcopytextfile
It works but some stuff that should save is broken.Like faction vehicles, skins etc..They don't load

I don't understand how some stuff stop working for some of you when the basic functionality works the same as original one

Show me a sample code of the part which isn't loading/saving properly.

They don't save, even when i relog they aren't there.And all other commands for organization that save stuff like weapons, cars, ranks, territories etc don't save..

CMD:addorgv(playerid, params[])
	new orgid, col1, col2, moneys1, tmp[256], tmp2[256], string[256], giveplayer[25], giveplayerid;
	if (adlvl[playerid] < 5) return 0;
	if (!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} You must be in a vehicle.");
	if (sscanf(params, "dddd", orgid, col1, col2)) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Usage: /addorgv [orgid] [color1] [color2]");
	format(string, 10, "org%d", orgid);
	if (!dini_Exists(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string))) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} Invalid organization id.");
	if (col1 < -1 || col1 > 255 || col2 < -1 || col2 > 255) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} Invalid color id! (-1 - 255)");
	for (new ovs = MAX_ORG_VEHICLES; ovs > 0; ovs--)
		format(giveplayer, 12, "ocmodel_%d", ovs);
		if (dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), giveplayer) == 0) giveplayerid = ovs;
		else moneys1 ++;
	if (moneys1 == MAX_ORG_VEHICLES)
		format(tmp2, sizeof(tmp2), "This organization has reached the max of %d vehicles.", MAX_ORG_VEHICLES);
		SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, tmp2);
		return 1;
	new pvid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
	if (vorgo[pvid] != 0) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "This vehicle already belongs to an organization.");
	new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:a;
	GetVehiclePos(pvid, x, y, z);
	GetVehicleZAngle(pvid, a);
	new model = GetVehicleModel(pvid);
	format(giveplayer, 12, "ocmodel_%d", giveplayerid);
	dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), giveplayer, model);
	format(giveplayer, 12, "ocx_%d", giveplayerid);
	dini_FloatSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), giveplayer, x);
	format(giveplayer, 12, "ocy_%d", giveplayerid);
	dini_FloatSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), giveplayer, y);
	format(giveplayer, 12, "ocz_%d", giveplayerid);
	dini_FloatSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), giveplayer, z);
	format(giveplayer, 12, "oca_%d", giveplayerid);
	dini_FloatSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), giveplayer, a);
	format(giveplayer, 12, "occ1_%d", giveplayerid);
	dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), giveplayer, col1);
	format(giveplayer, 12, "occ2_%d", giveplayerid);
	dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), giveplayer, col2);
	if (col1 == -1 || col2 == -1) orgvid[orgid-1][giveplayerid-1] = CreateVehicle(model, x, y, z, a, -1, -1, 900);
		orgvid[orgid-1][giveplayerid-1] = CreateVehicle(model, x, y, z, a, col1, col2, 900);
		vmodelused[model-400] ++;
		if (vmodelused[model-400] == 1) vehiclemodels ++;
	if (dini_Isset(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "lplate"))
		format(tmp, 24, "%s %d", dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "lplate"), giveplayerid);
		SetVehicleNumberPlate2(orgvid[orgid-1][giveplayerid-1], tmp);
	vorgo[orgvid[orgid-1][giveplayerid-1]] = orgid;
	vorgid[orgvid[orgid-1][giveplayerid-1]] = giveplayerid;
	SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid, COLOR_SILVER, "Vehicle '%s' has been added to '%s'.", vehName[model-400], dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "name"));
	return 1;
Weapons aswell.
CMD:orgweaps(playerid, params[])
	new giveplayerid, weap1, ammo1, weap2, ammo2, weap3, ammo3, string[256];
	if (adlvl[playerid] < 5) return 0;
	if(sscanf(params, "ddd", giveplayerid, weap1, ammo1)) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Usage: /orgweaps [orgid] [weap1] [ammo1] [weap2] [ammo2] [weap3] [ammo3]");
	sscanf(params, "ddddd", giveplayerid, weap1, ammo1, weap2, ammo2);
	sscanf(params, "ddddddd", giveplayerid, weap1, ammo1, weap2, ammo2, weap3, ammo3);
	format(string, 10, "org%d", giveplayerid);
	if (!dini_Exists(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string))) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} Invalid organization id.");
	if (weap1 == 17 || weap2 == 17 || weap3 == 17) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_SILVER, "This weapon has been disabled and cannot be used!");
	if ((weap1 < 0 || weap1 == 19 || weap1 == 20 || weap1 == 21 || (weap1 > 34 && weap1 < 41) || weap1 > 46) || (weap2 < 0 || weap2 == 19 || weap2 == 20 || weap2 == 21 || (weap2 > 34 && weap2 < 41) || weap2 > 46)|| (weap3 < 0 || weap3 == 19 || weap3 == 20 || weap3 == 21 || (weap3 > 34 && weap3 < 41) || weap3 > 46) || (weap1 == 0 && ammo1 != 0) || (weap2 == 0 && ammo2 != 0) || (weap3 == 0 && ammo3 != 0) || (weap1 == 0 && (weap2 != 0 || weap3 != 0)) || (weap2 == 0 && weap3 != 0))
		return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} Invalid weapon id.");
	if ((ammo1 < 0 || ammo1 > 9999) || (ammo2 < 0 || ammo2 > 9999) || (ammo3 < 0 || ammo3 > 9999) || (ammo1 == 0 && weap1 != 0) || (ammo2 == 0 && weap2 != 0) || (ammo3 == 0 && weap3 != 0)) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} Invalid ammo amount.");
	dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "weap1", weap1);
	dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "ammo1", ammo1);
	dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "weap2", weap2);
	dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "ammo2", ammo2);
	dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "weap3", weap3);
	dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "ammo3", ammo3);
	for (new i = 0; i < PLAYERS; i++)
		if (IsPlayerConnected2(i) && GetPVarInt(i, "playerorg") == giveplayerid && orcl[i][0] == 0 && jailedtime[i] == 0)
			if (weap1 != 0)
				GivePlayerWeapon2(i, weap1, ammo1);
				if (weap2 != 0)
					GivePlayerWeapon2(i, weap2, ammo2);
					if (weap3 != 0) GivePlayerWeapon2(i, weap3, ammo3);
	if (weap1 == 0) format(string, sizeof(string), "%s's weapons removed.", dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "name"));
	else if (weap2 == 0) format(string, sizeof(string), "%s's weapons changed to %s with %d ammo.", dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "name"), WeaponName[weap1], ammo1);
	else if (weap3 == 0) format(string, sizeof(string), "%s's weapons changed to %s with %d ammo and %s with %d ammo.", dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "name"), WeaponName[weap1], ammo1, WeaponName[weap2], ammo2);
	else format(string, sizeof(string), "%s's weapons changed to %s with %d ammo, %s with %d ammo and %s with %d ammo.", dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "name"), WeaponName[weap1], ammo1, WeaponName[weap2], ammo2, WeaponName[weap3], ammo3);
	SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_SILVER, string);
	return 1;

Wait, how many fields does your Organisation file have?
Max limit by default is 64.

If you want to increase this, you have the pre define this:
PHP код:
#define DINI_MAX_FIELDS n // n = your limit 
Define this before inclusion of dini2.

Originally Posted by Gammix
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Wait, how many fields does your Organisation file have?
Max limit by default is 64.

If you want to increase this, you have the pre define this:
PHP код:
#define DINI_MAX_FIELDS n // n = your limit 
Define this before inclusion of dini2.
I don't even have that defined in the gamemode.Ok let me try.

Originally Posted by Mike861
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I don't even have that defined in the gamemode.Ok let me try.
By default if you don't have it defined, it will be 64. But i think your system have more than that in org file.
This may also increase your compile time and memory usage. I might make another update using pawn-memory plugin.

It saves vehicles and other stuff, but ranks i save actually save but won't load.
CMD:addranks(playerid, params[])
	new giveplayerid, rank, string[256], strings[256], tmp[256], giveplayers[256];
	if (orgleader[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} You aren't the (co)leader of an organization.");
	if(sscanf(params, "d",rank)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"USAGE: /addranks [rank]");
	if(rank > 12) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Error:{FFFFFF} You can add only 12 ranks to your Orginization!");
	if(rank < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Error:{FFFFFF} Ranks must be greater then 1 rank!");
	giveplayerid = GetPVarInt(playerid, "playerorg");
	format(string, 10, "org%d", giveplayerid);
	new temp = dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "AmountRanks");
	if(temp != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} You have already set ranks to this Orginization!");
	for(new i = 1; i<= rank; i++)
	    format(giveplayers, 12, "rank%d", i);
	    format(tmp, 12, "rankcolor%d", i);
	    dini_Set(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), giveplayers, "none");
	    dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "AmountRanks", i);
	format(strings, sizeof(strings), "You have created %d ranks for your organization", rank);
	SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LBLUE, strings);
	return 1;
CMD:dranks(playerid, params[])
	new giveplayerid, string[256], tmp[256], giveplayers[256], tmps[256], tmp2[256];
    if (orgleader[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} You aren't the (co)leader of an organization.");
	giveplayerid = GetPVarInt(playerid, "playerorg");
	format(string, 10, "org%d", giveplayerid);
	new temp = dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "AmountRanks");
	if(temp == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} You have already delete ranks to this Orginization!");
	else if(temp != 0)
	    new temp1 = dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "maxmembers");
		for(new j = 1; j <= temp1; j++)
		    format(tmps, 12, "member%d", j);
			tmp2 = dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmps);
			if(strcmp(tmp2, "server", false) != 0)
				dini_Unset(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, tmp2), "RankName");
				dini_Unset(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, tmp2), "Rank");
				dini_Unset(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, tmp2), "RankColor");
		for(new i = 1; i <= temp; i++)
			format(giveplayers, 12, "rank%d", i);
			format(tmp, 12, "rankcolor%d",i);
			dini_Unset(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), giveplayers);
			dini_Unset(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp);
			dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "AmountRanks", 0);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You have deleted all created ranks from your Organization!");
	return 1;
CMD:rankname(playerid, params[])
    new tmp2[256], tmp[20], tmp3[20],number, string[20], str[120], color[128],giveplayer[256],tmp7[256];
    if (orgleader[playerid] != 1) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} You aren't the leader of an organization.");
    if (sscanf(params, "ds[128]s[128]", number, color,tmp2)) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Usage: /rankname [rank number] [rank color] [rank name]");
    new giveplayerid = GetPVarInt(playerid, "playerorg");
    format(string, 10, "org%d", giveplayerid);

    new temp4 = dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "maxmembers");

    for (new c = 1; c <= number; c++)
    	format(tmp, 12, "rank%d", number);
    	format(tmp3, 12, "rankcolor%d", number);
        if (!dini_Isset(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp))
		 SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Rank on this spot is not created yet.");
		 return 1;
		dini_Set(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp, tmp2);
		dini_Set(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp3, color);
		if (temp4 != 0)
				for (new i = 1; i <= temp4; i++)
					format(giveplayer, 12, "member%d", i);
	                tmp7 = dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), giveplayer);
					if (dini_Isset(AddDirFile(dir_userfiles, tmp7), "RankName") && dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_userfiles, tmp7), "Rank") == number)
						dini_Set(AddDirFile(dir_userfiles, tmp7), "RankName", tmp2);
						dini_Set(AddDirFile(dir_userfiles, tmp7), "RankColor", color);
	format(str, sizeof(str), "You have set rank %d name to %s with color {%s}%s", number, tmp2, color, color);
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, str);
	return 1;
CMD:setrank(playerid, params[])
	new giveplayerid, rank, pname[64], str[150], string[10], tmp[10], tmp2[15], tmp6[256];
    new giveplayerids = GetPVarInt(playerid, "playerorg");
    if (sscanf(params, "ud", giveplayerid, rank)) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Usage: /setrank [playerid] [rank]");
    if (!IsPlayerConnected2(giveplayerid)) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Error:{FFFFFF} Inactive player id!");
    format(string, 10, "org%d", giveplayerids);
    GetPlayerName(giveplayerid,pname, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    new maxranks = dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "Amountranks");
    new currrank = dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_userfiles, pname), "Rank");
	if (maxranks == 0) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "There is no ranks created in your organization.");
	if(rank > maxranks || rank < 1) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Invalid rank!");
	if(rank == currrank) return SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid, COLOR_RED, "%s is already have that rank!", pname, "");
	if(rank > maxranks) return SendClientMessage2(playerid, COLOR_RED, "No rank found!");
    if (GetPVarInt(giveplayerid, "playerorg") != GetPVarInt(playerid, "playerorg")) return SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid, COLOR_RED, "%s is not in your organization!", pname, "");
    for (new c = 1; c <= rank; c++)
    	format(tmp, 12, "rank%d", rank);
    	format(tmp2, 12, "rankcolor%d", rank);
	tmp6 = dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp);
	if (strcmp(tmp6, "None", false) == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Choose a name for this rank first.");

	if (giveplayerid != playerid)
    	    format(str,sizeof(str),"You have set %s rank to {%s}%s", pname,dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp2),dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp));
	        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,str);

			format(str,sizeof(str),"Your leader has set your to rank {%s}%s", dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp2), dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp));
	        SendClientMessage(giveplayerid, COLOR_YELLOW,str);
		 	format(str,sizeof(str),"You have set your rank to {%s}%s", dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp2), dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp));
	        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,str);
	dini_IntSet(AddDirFile(dir_userfiles, pname), "Rank", rank);
	dini_Set(AddDirFile(dir_userfiles, pname), "RankName", dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp));
	dini_Set(AddDirFile(dir_userfiles, pname), "RankColor", dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp2));
	return 1;

Too much code here, which line actually isn't working?

Originally Posted by Gammix
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Too much code here, which line actually isn't working?
setrank one, i added ranks but it says theres no ranks.


EDIT: Sorry, I'm Mike's partner and I've fixed the issue. It wasn't an issue with your include. Great Job!

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