02.07.2016, 17:53
I encountered a problem and do not know what to do to him.
server log:
After this error, the server receives the crash.
This problem only occurs on host, on localhost has no problems from what I observed.
(sorry for my bad english).
I encountered a problem and do not know what to do to him.
format( Query, sizeof( Query ), "SELECT `UserID` FROM `Accounts` WHERE `Username` = '%s'", EscapedName ); mysql_query( Query ); printf(" SQL: %s",Query); mysql_store_result();
[15:17:09] MySQL Error (0): Could not execute query. MySQL server has gone away. [15:17:09] SQL: SELECT `UserID` FROM `Accounts` WHERE `Username` = 'Chase' [15:17:09] MySQL Error (0): Function: 'mysql_store_result' called when no prior query executed.. MySQL server has gone away.
This problem only occurs on host, on localhost has no problems from what I observed.
(sorry for my bad english).