Timers seem to stop working, randomly and out of time at times.

I'm creating the timers, I've checked to ensure that the brackets are placed properly.
It's mostly the one minute timer that stops working 100%.
It's a global SetTimer (created on OnGameModeInit)
I use foreach and I also Kill the timers OnGameModeExit.

Are there any other factors to continue, I don't do any saving per minute on the timer to MYSQL or anything like that.

It includes the timer for /ajail etc.

show your timer code

Show us your code, and also if you want accurate timers use things such as

Well I would say one of your killtimers thru code is malfunctioning, as any of them can kill another one (like when you KillTimer(Jail[playerid]) but jail has a wrong integer stored in it, so it ends up killing your CheckHealth timer)
Print the 1 minute global timer one's ID, I'm pretty sure it's 1 and somehow you end up killing it
A way to check it would be hooking killtimer to debug it, like printing the timer it's killing.

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