07.06.2016, 12:50
Hello guys i am getting error in server log how to fix it.
Whole Server log
Server CFG
[08:44:02] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_debug' [08:44:02] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_retrieve_row' [08:44:02] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_field_row'
---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team [08:44:02] [08:44:02] Server Plugins [08:44:02] -------------- [08:44:02] Loading plugin: mysql.so [08:44:02] SA:MP MySQL Plugin v2.1.1 Loaded. [08:44:02] [MySQL] Thread running. Threadsafe: Yes. [08:44:02] Loaded. [08:44:02] Loading plugin: streamer.so [08:44:02] *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded *** [08:44:02] Loaded. [08:44:02] Loading plugin: nativechecker.so [08:44:02] Loaded. [08:44:02] Loaded 3 plugins. [08:44:02] [08:44:02] Filterscripts [08:44:02] --------------- [08:44:02] Loading filterscript 'base.amx'... [08:44:02] --Base FS loaded. [08:44:02] Loading filterscript 'gl_actions.amx'... [08:44:02] Loading filterscript 'gl_property.amx'... [08:44:02] ----------------------------------- [08:44:02] Grand Larceny Property Filterscript [08:44:02] ----------------------------------- [08:44:02] Loading filterscript 'gl_realtime.amx'... [08:44:02] Loaded 4 filterscripts. [08:44:02] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_debug' [08:44:02] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_retrieve_row' [08:44:02] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_field_row' [08:44:02] Reading File: blank [08:44:02] Reading File: properties/houses.txt [08:44:02] Reading File: properties/businesses.txt [08:44:02] Reading File: properties/banks.txt [08:44:02] Reading File: properties/police.txt [08:44:02] Script[gamemodes/cnr.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [08:44:02] Number of vehicle models: 0 [08:44:35] [connection] requests connection cookie. [08:44:36] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0 [08:44:37] [join] Anurag has joined the server (0: [08:44:47] [part] Anurag has left the server (0:1)
echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password 0123 maxplayers 30 port 6340 hostname CNR gamemode0 cnr filterscripts base gl_actions gl_property gl_realtime announce 0 query 1 weburl www.sa-mp.com maxnpc 0 onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 bind plugins mysql.so streamer.so nativechecker.so