Need Help with house system

Hello guys i have created house rent system on my system if anyone rent my house then the name of that player will show on house pickup example Renter: playername but i am getting problem with my code in my house system 4 players can rent my house so it will looks like Renter: playername1, playername2, playername3, playername4 but with my code its showing Renter: ,playername1, playername2, playername3, playername4 please help me and create like 1st option here is my code

PHP код:
if (dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_propfilesstring), "bought") == 1)
GetString[256], GetString1[256], GetString2[256], GetString3[256], GetString4[256];
proptantscost dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_propfilesstring), "TenantsCost");
Tenants dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_propfilesstring), "Tenants");
dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_propfilesstring), "Tenants") != 0)
rentstring1[256], rstring[33];
rz 1rz <= Tenantsrz++)
                       if (
strcmp(GetString"None"false) != 0)
format(rentstring1sizeof(rentstring1), "%s, %s"rentstring1GetString);
format(tmp150"Owner: %s\nTo let for $%d per day.\nTenants: %s"dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_propfilesstring), "owner"), proptantscostrentstring1);
temp2 CreatePickup(195241xyz, -1);
ptextlabel[b] = Create3DTextLabel(tmp0xFFFF00FFxy0.7517.501);
temp2 CreatePickup(12721xyz, -1);
format(tmp32"Owner: %s"dini_Get(AddDirFile(dir_propfilesstring), "owner"));
ptextlabel[b] = Create3DTextLabel(tmp0x006699EExy0.7517.501);
ppropids[b] = temp2;
pmapicon[b] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(xyz320, -10, -1600.0);
I want to create like
Renter: playername1, playername2, playername3, playername4

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