Server objects not showing

Right i have incognito streamer that i believe i have updated and basically i the objects dont seem to be loading i have tried to fix this issue but i cant seem to do it can anyone tell me how i can make the objects spawn or maybe how to fix this issue

Post your server_log.txt ?

I dont have a server_Log file

Compile the script and open samp-server.exe,
im surely this will create server_log.txt

nope it hasnt created the server log

update and re-compile your filterscripts / gamemodes

your "server_log.txt".

see what it says, or open it and post it here..

Okay I got the objects loading but now I have a problem with them like roadblocks if you spawn more then 2/3 they start disappearing and reappearing when you move or the siren that goes into police cars can only be spawned on one car at a time... any ideas?

Oh and now the normal player chat doesn't seem to be working but all the chat cmds are working still eg /b and /r stuff like them still work

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