Actor Help

Im create actor and actor fall from custom interior , how to freeze actor when player go in custom interior?

With what do you create an actor ? A command?

im creat actor at OnGameModeInit

Alright, can you send the code where do you add the actor ?
I tried with one in an interior and worked.
PHP Code:
    new Actor1 CreateActor(230,1402.3311,-6.5625,1000.9103,300.8278); // Interior ID 1
new Actor2 CreateActor(284,2495.8933,-1702.3647,1014.7344,4.2692); // Interior ID 3 
I think the problem comes from actors's coordinates.

Actor Coord is fine, But when Player go in Custom interior . when Dynamicobject stream and actor fall from interior. I want actor just stay in air .

Actor at citty hall work becouse Citty hall interior not dynamic object

Im try create double actor in same place bu actor still fall

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