Detecting illegal name characters in a string?

I have an offline IRC command to change user's name, the command works fine but I need to detect if the admin enters an illegal character in the new name. For example if they type !changename oldname {tag}newname it should give an error message saying the new name contains an illegal characters i.e { }

I know SetPlayerName function would check for illegal characters itself but the command is for offline name change only so the function cannot be called.

I tried making a function to detect them by creating an array of legal characters and checking if the string has those characters there, but I failed. The function returns error only if the first character from the string is illegal.

Anyone can help me out?

Okay, This is just a tip:
Don't make blacklists, Make whitelists.
So much better and shorter.

In the IRC command, check if the new name is valid:
PHP код:
IsValidName(const p_name[])
    for (new 
istrlen(p_name); != ji++)
        switch (
'0' .. '9''A' .. 'Z''a' .. 'z''['']''('')''$''@''.''_''=': continue;
            default: return 


Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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In the IRC command, check if the new name is valid:
PHP код:
IsValidName(const p_name[])
    for (new 
istrlen(p_name); != ji++)
        switch (
'0' .. '9''A' .. 'Z''a' .. 'z''['']''('')''$''@''.''_''=': continue;
            default: return 

Oh my, that just worked perfectly. I've been trying to find something like this from past few hours. Thanks a lot!

Originally Posted by Meller
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Okay, This is just a tip:
Don't make blacklists, Make whitelists.
So much better and shorter.
Ehm, what?

Originally Posted by Sjn
Посмотреть сообщение
Oh my, that just worked perfectly. I've been trying to find something like this from past few hours. Thanks a lot!

Ehm, what?
He means instead of running a check for characters in a string that players cant use, make sure the string only contains characters they can use. A.K.A (A-Z, etc)

Like what Konstantinos showed.

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