06.05.2016, 13:16
Last edited by Mark_Samp; 22/06/2016 at 04:06 AM.

I made this Filterscript just for Fun, where you can have your own Tuxedo Suit and use all it's powerfull Actions.This script is totally made by me , From scratch.The idea just popped on my mind when I was watching the movie.
PHP Code:
Avaliable CMDS:
/MakeTuxedo //Give the Tuxedo Suit to the Player (You need to login with Rcon Password)
/takeTuxedo //Takes the Tuxedo Suit from the player (You need to login with Rcon Password)
/Tuxedo //Open The Tuxedo Menu
- UnStoppable Mode
- Kangaroo
- Flash
- Teleport
- Armory
- Invisibilty
- Storm
- Uniform
UnStoppable Mode Which gives you Super Infinite Health
Kangaroo Mode Which gives you Super Jump Ability
Flash Mode which gives you Super Run Abilty
Teleport Which give you the Option to teleport Among San Andreas
Armory Which give you all Kind of Weapons which you can Use
Invisibilty which is my favorite where you can Hide your vehicle Totally ((Only works on Cars))
Storm which give you the ability to Control Weather
Uniform which Give you a big menu to choose Which Tuxedo Suit suits you better.

MediaFire: https://www.mediafire.com/?4z86tqrpom4vo7i
Version 2.0: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=607157