17.04.2016, 05:22
Last edited by kaisersouse; 18/04/2016 at 02:09 AM.
Everystuff Freeroam 0.3z & 0.3.7
0.3.7 -
0.3z -
Location: US (Miami, FL) Server: 2x8c Xeon 3.4
NPCs: 500 (50 /taxi)
0.3.7 -
0.3z -
Location: US (Miami, FL) Server: 2x8c Xeon 3.4
NPCs: 500 (50 /taxi)
Everystuff is a sandbox fun-server that has been developed over the course of 10 years. It was scripted to appeal to many types of SA-MP players, and includes a little something for everyone.
Players are free to spawn any vehicle, most weapons (no tear-gas), tune cars on the fly, add neon, super-NOS, etc. We use both a /command based system, as well as an easy-to-navigate main menu which is accessed simply by pressing the Y key. SNOS and catapult pickups allow players to fly from one side of the map to the other in mere seconds. We have a very robust vehicle system that lets players fully customize their ride. Choose from pre-built templates, or deck out your whip using our menu-based tuning system. All vehicles (except boom-boom ones!) can be repaired and NOS refilled by simply pressing the 2 key at any time. Our auto-lock and /caralarm ensure a secure ride, and if you lose it in the parking lot, just use /getcar or /findcar.
Our /radio system allows players to stream their own URL, or choose from a bunch of music, news, airplane/airport traffic, and emergency service radio. The music portion of our selection features CrazyBob's CnR Radio and Beat Basement, as well as 181fm and 97.7fm radio streams for a bunch of genres.
On-foot players are free to spawn almost any weapon w/ unlimited ammo using /gun. The /boombullets command adds explosive ammo to select weapons. Players can teleport via command, menu, map, or to players who have used /tpallow. The /gunsave command will save your weapon loadout for easy access on re-spawn. Safe zones and /god mode fully protect players who wish to play without being ganked constantly. If a /god mode player fires a weapon, they are immediately available to attack. Players randomly spawn at 4 major areas, or can set their own respawn location using /setspawn.
All players can play in their own virtual world using /myworld, with access to all the same stunt objects. Groups can use a combination of /myworld and /tp to play as one unit inside a virtual world separate from the main freeroam world. Making a movie? Use /myworld and /hideui to make your Oscar-worthy masterpieces in peace!
DMs are split into separate areas and world, and range from weapon-specific DMs to gang war between 8 factions. All accessed via /dm or menu. With 20 DM areas, we have a weapon focus for everyone.
There are a lot of commands and features (ex: /toys, /radio) that are considered "VIP" on other servers. They are available to ALL players on Everystuff

There are currently 500 NPCs providing /taxi and traffic services map-wide.
Regarding cheats: One of our methods for dealing with cheats is to try and render them pointless. As such, money hacks are useless because everything on the server is free. We don't care about flying car mods, because with things like /snos and /jump you can fly cars around anyways. Weapon hacks are useless, because players can spawn any weapon they want. Health/Armor hacks are unnecessary because of /god mode and safe zones. PS health/armor can and will get you kicked/banned if spotted by admin(s) or bots, ESPECIALLY in DM areas. All bans are final, there is no appeal process.
Small sample of favorite commands below:
car v t god gun menu radio toys myworld tp savepos back settime gunsave snos jump jetpack pc (parachute) e (eject) putramp key2 keyn dm tow boombullets chicken cow wrc tune neon
lsa sfa lva train trucker 8track dirtarena jizzys cracklab pigpen range chiliad
Play on a server that truly lets you play however you want to play.
Some pictures of Everystuff shenanigans: