12.04.2016, 20:08

Fort Carson Roleplay is a medium-heavy role-playing server. It is based on modern life, and offers many opportunities for players to engage in different role-play scenarios as they progress in the game.
We are currently in open beta phase, where we are testing certain features and uncovering scripting errors and flaws in our systems.
About the GameMode
Fort Carson Roleplay has been built with the help of many scripters and users of the SA-MP community. When I started this project, I had never worked on a SA-MP server before, and over the last 2 years, I have become a fair scripter, and 99% of new features that are implemented into the server now, are uniquely scripted by myself.
However, many of the scripts that were added and adapted in the beginning of this project, come from releases via the SA-MP community, or direct from publicly available GameModes, so thank you to everybody that has, and continues to release scripts and tutorials.
About the Founder
The creator and founder of Fort Carson Roleplay, has over 12 years of heavy role-play experience. First role-playing games were based on Telnet, or stand-alone text-based MUDs, in which the only graphics were the interface. The founder has been involved in adventure role-play, and online home-brewed game development for the last 10 years, working with some popular game development teams.
Our Mission
Our mission in developing Fort Carson Roleplay, is to give 'mature role-players' a server they can enjoy, but also keeping it friendly for people new to SA-MP role-playing.
What we mean by 'mature role-players', is people who can already role-play a character, and want to escape from servers where they are the minority.
Main Features
There are many features, job opportunities and factions in Fort Carson Roleplay. However, since we've only just opened our doors to new players, only certain features will be available until we increase in activity.
Job Opportunities:
Trash Collector
This job allows the player to visit the residential homes of Fort Carson, collecting garbage bags, and disposing of them in the back of the truck. You earn money for shift you complete.
Street Sweeper
This is a level 1 job, so you won't earn much money, but you get paid for the miles that you do, and can end your shift at any time. The longer you work, the more money you will receive.
Delivery Boy
Each of the main fast food outlets in San Andreas, employ their own delivery personnel at certain fast food places across San Andreas. The pay isn't too bad for the lower levels of the server, and is an easy way to earn decent cash.
Private Detective
Private Detectives have the skills to operate the tracker devices which can be bought in Ammu-Nation stores. You can help to find missing persons, or track down wanted people from government or private agencies.
The San Andreas Government is also planning to grant Private Detectives authority to arrest and detain fugitives as part of their Fugitive Recovery Scheme.
Vehicle Mechanic
The only job on this server which has a requirement in order to do it. Firstly, you must either own a garage, or be invited to this job by somebody who owns a garage. This was a measure put in place to limit the amount of people who have this job.
The reason being, mechanics on this server play a very crucial role. Only a mechanic can tune vehicles and add mods. They can only add vehicle alarm systems and tracking devices, as well as illegally change registration plates on stolen vehicles.
Everything a mechanic does to a car, will cost them money, so not to abuse their abilities. The way this system is set up is very unique, and I've not seen it before in any SA-MP server.
Taxi Driver
Very basic. Applying for this job allows you to drive a taxi or a bus. Very good money if there is enough demand to travel, and a preferred option of transport for those who find the running costs of vehicles too expensive.
The very first level 1 job that is recommended alongside the Street Sweeper. Deliver news papers to houses in Fort Carson. It's not a well paid job but it'll show you the ropes, and you get to ride a BMX.
Food Vendor
Go around the streets of Fort Carson in your very own ice-cream truck or hotdog van, selling food to people. Consuming food from players of this job will increase your armour.
Dump Truck Driver
Earn money by taking rocks from the bottom of the pit to the top. Depending on how much gold is in your load, depends how much you get paid.
Faction Opportunities:
San Andreas State Police
The backbone of Law Enforcement, the face of justice. The San Andreas State Police are always hard at work, patrolling the streets of Fort Carson, and the dirt roads of Bone County, deterring criminal activity 24 hours a day.
With their high numbers, and skilled in many areas, the SASP offers opportunities in different divisions, as a detective, traffic officer, SWAT operative, training instructor and many more.
State of San Andreas Government
Just like any other state Government, they decide the taxes, the budgets, funding, and state laws etc. There's a lot of power to be had in this faction, which is why it's members are carefully hand picked like grapes for a fine wine.
San Andreas Network
The faction that provides the hot gossip to the citizens of the state of San Andreas. Responsible for all your media broadcasting services.
Special Forces
The Special Forces faction is the military division for the state of San Andreas, just like other American states. They are the primary defence for terrorist threats against the state of San Andreas.
With heavy weapons and vehicles, they are a force not to be reckoned with.
San Andreas Security Services
Private security agents patrol malls, guard construction sites, work on clubs, and can also offer close protection for VIPs and conduct joint force operations with police.
San Andreas Marshals Service
The SAMS is responsible for guarding prisoners, transporting prisoners, and tracking down wanted suspects in San Andreas.
Future Opportunities:
As we progress and build up an active player base, factions will be opened and made available. We are currently working on a Premium Account system which will give players the ability to experience extra features, by donating a small amount of money to help towards the running costs of our server.
We are also working on a gang/family system, which will play a vital part in the server, as only gangs will have the ability to manufacture and distribute weapons and drugs.
Visit Us!
You can visit our website at http://sanonline.co.uk
Check here for the latest updates, new additions etc.
Server: samp://