Origin Generation Gaming Roleplay - Back

Web: www.ogg-roleplay.com
Teamspeak: ts.ogg-roleplay.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/origingenerationgaming

Official Trailer of Origin Generation Gaming
What we have to offer? Let us pin down some of our unique features
  • Backpack system- Looking to be a top-level arms dealer or a drug-dealer? We have working backpack system which allows players to store their drugs and weapons
  • Bank Robbery system- We have one of the unique, fun robbery system. Gather your homies around and rob the bank with your skills
  • Weapon dropping system- You can drop your weapons on the floor, and those will be visible for others. Just to make your roleplay more realistic
  • Advanced execute system- We have one of the advanced execute system scripted for the Hitmen Agency.
  • Here is our full change-log if you are interested: https://revctrl.com/oggrp/oggrp-dev
Some of the player-made roleplaying videos

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