Valid gpci.

Hi, i was reading whole day about gpci and searhing topics about it.

I know it`s not unique and other things.

So i tried it out. I got these serials

HTML Code:
1. 98F0E904E9CDD4D9F5D009C988FEA80CCAED04E8
I got these from two different players.

Everything is fine, so then i tried mods a.k.a cheats to find out which of them are spoofing it and gpci returned

HTML Code:
1. 555848394256554F553932545548485753365854
2. 544151555848394256554F553932545548485753
It changed every time.

You can really see difference between real one and the fake ones.

I know gpci is not reversible but...
The main reason why i am typing this thread because maybe some of you will think of a way to automatically - with code to check if gpci is a valid or a fake. maybe see a pattern which could be used to check if its valid gpci.

Just a thought that came in my head.

Just check their gpci every time they login to see if it changes.

Originally Posted by Pottus
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Just check their gpci every time they login to see if it changes.
Yeah, that could be a way, but gpci could change without mod/hacks.

Originally Posted by WeirdestYeti
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Yeah, that could be a way, but gpci could change without mod/hacks.
It could change when they re-install their game or login from a different pc.
But it won't change when the install path of GTA SA doesn't change and you don't login elsewhere.

I'm also logging gpci everytime someone logs in.
During testing my new script, I've logged in 221 times already and it never changed.

So you could in fact record their gpci upon logging in and retrieve it regularly while they're logged in.
When it suddenly changes, they're spoofing it and you could kick them or ban them.

Just keep track of all their GPCI's in a database table. Upon login, check the count(gpci) for that user in your table. If they have a high count, alert your admins.

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