16.03.2016, 20:37
Hey guys, i have a problem. I have a problem, where i scan through all the players on the database and they added up to 13k... Now when i scan through the database it takes a while for it to scan and it lags up the whole server, other players show up AFK. example:
This produces lag on the whole server. Is there a way around lag, other than deleting the players? Thank you.
mysql_tquery(mysql, "SELECT Vardas,Specialybe,Siandien,Dispejimai FROM vartotojai ORDER BY XP", "darbuotojai", "i", playerid);
public darbuotojai(playerid) { new PRAZAIDZIAUX; new PLAYERANMESAVEq[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]; new PLAYERSPECIALYBE; new SAVESTRINGtqx5[ 3000 ]; new PLAYERSTATUSqq[ 40 ]; new ISPEJIMAIDKASD; new rows, fields; cache_get_data(rows, fields, mysql); if(rows) { for(new i=0; i<rows; i++) { cache_get_field_content(i, "Vardas", PLAYERANMESAVEq, mysql, 25); PLAYERSPECIALYBE = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Specialybe"); PRAZAIDZIAUX = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Siandien"); ISPEJIMAIDKASD = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Dispejimai"); if(GETPLAYERJOBFROMFACTION( playerid ) == PLAYERSPECIALYBE ) { if( GetPlayerIdFromNameEx( playerid, PLAYERANMESAVEq) == INVALID_PLAYER_ID )PLAYERSTATUSqq = "{FF0000}neprisijunges"; else { PLAYERSTATUSqq = "{00FF00}prisijunges"; } format( SAVESTRINGtqx5,3000,"%s{AECEB3}%s {B4C877}(%s{B4C877}) (siandien zaide: {AECEB3}%d {B4C877}min.) ({AECEB3}%d {B4C877}ispejimu(-as))\n",SAVESTRINGtqx5,PLAYERANMESAVEq,PLAYERSTATUSqq,PRAZAIDZIAUX,ISPEJIMAIDKASD ); } } strcat( SAVESTRINGtqx5,"\n\nIsmesti darbuotoja irasykite jo pilna varda:"); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1879,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{A3E4FF}Darbuotojai",SAVESTRINGtqx5,"Gerai","Iseiti"); } return 1; }