New script, any tips that will help

I started writing a script for a new roleplay I plan on making in my spare time, does anyone have any tips that come really handy when the script starts to get bigger, or things that can be annoying if not implemented early?
(I.e adding an IsPlayerLoggedIn stock at the start of every command or making dialogs enums, things like that)

Also what would you recommend starting with when making a roleplay server, I made the login/register system with some other minor stats, what would you recommend I start with next-... i.e basic commands/admin system ect...


You should make a list of things you definitely want to implement (even if later). That's the first step to see what is required and what to add in the first place, in case you didn't do that yet.

I'd add a basic admin system right away (with levels, even if you dont have any admin commands yet), that way you can build other functions on top of it and make restrictions. It can be a pain to later notice you have to implement an admin-level system to 50 CMDs etc.

It's hard to say, there are many things you could start with.
When I'm at such a point I just start with anything that won't need any changes later on, in your case that would probably be basic RP commands or the base for factions.

Good luck!

PS. Also make sure to choose a command processor (e.g. ZCMD) before starting, converting command functions is too much work to be done afterwards.
That's also for dialogs, easy_dialogs for example is a good way of keeping the script clean and make things easy to find.

Originally Posted by NaS
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You should make a list of things you definitely want to implement (even if later). That's the first step to see what is required and what to add in the first place, in case you didn't do that yet.

I'd add a basic admin system right away (with levels, even if you dont have any admin commands yet), that way you can build other functions on top of it and make restrictions. It can be a pain to later notice you have to implement an admin-level system to 50 CMDs etc.

It's hard to say, there are many things you could start with.
When I'm at such a point I just start with anything that won't need any changes later on, in your case that would probably be basic RP commands or the base for factions.

Good luck!

PS. Also make sure to choose a command processor (e.g. ZCMD) before starting, converting command functions is too much work to be done afterwards.
That's also for dialogs, easy_dialogs for example is a good way of keeping the script clean and make things easy to find.
Thank you!

It's a function, not a stock. Should chase up proper coding methods in your preparation. Documentation in the code, proper indentation, and having good structure in your code, such as using keywords and function names that relate to it's purpose.

And as stated above, planning is a big part in it.

Hmmm keep in mind to have a good indentation(so it will be eaiser to read in the future)
Use useful plugins/includes (eg: sscanf , YSI , streamer , zcmd, etc)
Start simple and make it advanced with the time
Make it unique as possible
Having a beta test server and a beta testing team can help it be bug free

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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It's a function, not a stock. Should chase up proper coding methods in your preparation. Documentation in the code, proper indentation, and having good structure in your code, such as using keywords and function names that relate to it's purpose.

And as stated above, planning is a big part in it.
Thanks for the advice, and I'm not talking about IsPlayerConnected, I'm talking about checking if they logged in before using any commands.

Still, it's not really a stock...

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