Problem SA:MP Server

I have an host, at Ultra host, and they sended me a message that,2 players on server have and over usage It uses 60-70% from CPU, in other words it uses like an 400 server slots, but with only 2 players !!!

[sampgdk:warning] Index mismatch for OnPlayerStreamIn (-10051 != -10040)
[sampgdk:warning] Index mismatch for OnTrailerUpdate (-10059 != -1004
[sampgdk:warning] Index mismatch for OnTrailerUpdate (-10059 != -1004

I keep getting these messages any help??they will close my server.

and this warning??

[sampgdk:warning] Index mismatch for OnTrailerUpdate (-10059 != -1004)

[sampgdk:warning] Index mismatch for OnActorStreamOut (-10007 != -10001)

[sampgdk:warning] Index mismatch for OnVehicleStreamOut (-10060 != -10056)


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