Stock issue

Hi. I'm trying to get my faction ini files to load when I start my gamemode, but when I add the function anywhere in my script, pawno fails to compile and gives me 26 errors. Could anyone help me see what's wrong?

stock LoadFactions(){
    new Factionfile[128];
    for(new i=1; i<MAX_FACTIONS; i++){
       format(Factionfile, sizeof(Factionfile), "factions/%d.ini", i);
       new INI:File = INI_Open(Factionfile);
       INI_String("Faction Name",FactionInfo[i][fName], 128);
       INI_Int("Faction Type",FactionInfo[i][fType]);
       INI_Int("Total Members",FactionInfo[i][fMembers]);
I've tried placing LoadFactions(); to work as a command aswell but the same problem occurred.

How about you give us the errors that it shows you and by the way, the error may even be outside of the stock, smth like that could happen if u miss a bracket somewhere


All these lines refer to the stock code.

D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4908) : error 017: undefined symbol "name"
D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4908) : error 017: undefined symbol "value"
D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4909) : error 017: undefined symbol "name"
D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4909) : error 017: undefined symbol "value"
D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4910) : error 017: undefined symbol "name"
D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4910) : error 017: undefined symbol "value"
D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4911) : error 017: undefined symbol "name"
D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4911) : error 017: undefined symbol "value"
D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4912) : error 017: undefined symbol "name"
D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4912) : error 017: undefined symbol "value"
D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4913) : error 017: undefined symbol "name"
D:\GTA Server\gamemodes\x.pwn(4913) : error 017: undefined symbol "value"

but it doesnt say that the stock code is the problem, right? So, it isn't.

All the error lines go to the stock code. It's not being able to read the "FactionInfo[blablabla]" part, but I have no idea how to get it to read it.
Since it's a stock, if I remove the LoadFactions(); from the script, it won't give me any errors and it will compile fine. But I gotta find a way to make the factions load.

but "name" and "value" arent used in LoadFactions, so that doesnt makes sense and the fault is somewhere else

I would suggest you to start using mysql, because its much easier to handle and its faster, when loading many things at same time.

I fixed it by using ParseFile and a public instead of a stock. It's working fine now.
Thank you for the assistance, everyone.

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