
Hi guys, ive got a big problem and im not so good in php script so please help me out.
All i want is that php script to fit to mysql database.
Like this example $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` and this users to be changed like it is written in database file. There are 13 files but they aren't more than 15 rows of script except index which is a little bit more. Maximum it can take like 1h to finish.
Please help me with this one.
Download for files including database file:!pV4VACbI!5bUaXxtLh...xK75xQViLiG_Y0

This section is for scripting help, not getting people to do your work for you. If you want someone to help you with that, you'll need to find it elsewhere.

I just want somebody to help me with basics

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