
i wonder what is mysql

is it important for the server ??
usage of mysql ??

is it needed for sever to become online for others ??




MySQL is a database system and it's used to save your data using structured lines of text (a query) which indicates which action MySQL should do.

For small servers, textfiles are sufficient to save your data.
Bigger servers usually save data using MySQL databases as they are designed to handle lots of data in an efficient manner.

Databases can do things you will find nearly impossible when you're using textfiles.

For instance:
You have 1000 accounts on your server and you want to find the 50 richest players.
Using textfiles, you would need to open all account-files one by one, read them all until you find the Money value and then sort the money value for all players in a descending order, until you have the 50 richest players on the server, and the richest player is on top of the list.

Using MySQL, it can be done with only a few lines of code.

SELECT playername, money FROM accounts ORDER BY money DESC LIMIT 50;

This is such a query.
It instructs the mysql database to find the playername and money values from a table called "accounts", order them in a descending order (order it by money) and only keep 50 records.
Those will be the 50 richest players on your server.
All you need to do after that, is read the result which mysql presents to your script and display it.

Also Mysql can be use to connect to a website for ect if u want a ucp for ur server that player can use to check their stats!

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