12.02.2016, 19:47
Scientists yesterday (or the day before) finally have measurable data indicating that space-time can be changed. Two black holes collided, creating a 'ripple' in space-time that was measurable.
This is a very, very big deal.
For starters, they are going to try pointing lasers in these types of ripples and theory has it they will be able to 'see' whats on the other side of the ripple. They may even be able to see the very beginnings of our universe (the 'big bang').
All that cool stuff aside...one thing to remember is that Einstein also predicted that if one can manipulate these ripples, one may be able to travel great lengths in a very short period of time.
By great lengths he means millions of light years worth of travel, all done in an almost-instant
This is a very, very, very big deal.
If we can manipulate these ripples, if we can create our own wrinkles in space-time and be able to determine where they will end up...we will be able to explore well outside of our own solar system, and even our own galaxy.
Its not 'time travel' in the least. No no no. But I can imagine that within 20 years we will be making exploratory 'jumps' into these wrinkles. They will likely be suicide missions (unless they figure out how to return safely)...but its the beginning of a new world all around. Personally I'm a bit pissed that this news was eclipsed by Syria/Iran/Donald Trump...but its the type of society we live in now.
Oh another random thought...manipulating space-time means being able to manipulate gravity. In theory if you squeeze gravity around an object, without that gravity crushing the object, you can make that object accelerate instantly to almost infinite speeds. That object would be able to change direction instantly without concern about g-forces, etc.
So anyone have thoughts on this? Think we'll be carrying out TRUE interstellar travel soon? Anyone wonder what will happen if we happen to warp somewhere, come back, and end up getting followed back through our own wormhole? Is this the beginning of a new era? Will we give up trying to fix Earth and go find a new one instead?
This is a very, very big deal.
For starters, they are going to try pointing lasers in these types of ripples and theory has it they will be able to 'see' whats on the other side of the ripple. They may even be able to see the very beginnings of our universe (the 'big bang').
All that cool stuff aside...one thing to remember is that Einstein also predicted that if one can manipulate these ripples, one may be able to travel great lengths in a very short period of time.
By great lengths he means millions of light years worth of travel, all done in an almost-instant
This is a very, very, very big deal.
If we can manipulate these ripples, if we can create our own wrinkles in space-time and be able to determine where they will end up...we will be able to explore well outside of our own solar system, and even our own galaxy.
Its not 'time travel' in the least. No no no. But I can imagine that within 20 years we will be making exploratory 'jumps' into these wrinkles. They will likely be suicide missions (unless they figure out how to return safely)...but its the beginning of a new world all around. Personally I'm a bit pissed that this news was eclipsed by Syria/Iran/Donald Trump...but its the type of society we live in now.
Oh another random thought...manipulating space-time means being able to manipulate gravity. In theory if you squeeze gravity around an object, without that gravity crushing the object, you can make that object accelerate instantly to almost infinite speeds. That object would be able to change direction instantly without concern about g-forces, etc.
So anyone have thoughts on this? Think we'll be carrying out TRUE interstellar travel soon? Anyone wonder what will happen if we happen to warp somewhere, come back, and end up getting followed back through our own wormhole? Is this the beginning of a new era? Will we give up trying to fix Earth and go find a new one instead?