How to make an object unbreakable?

Is there some way to make an object unbreakable?

This fencing to be exact, the ID is 1408.

Get similar size object ( SAMP wall objects is a good example ) set object material color's alpha to 00 and place that object over the fence, problem solved.

Originally Posted by ikey07
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Get similar size object ( SAMP wall objects is a good example ) set object material color's alpha to 00 and place that object over the fence, problem solved.
wont it still break? i mean i was shoot that with an M4 bullet wont the infront on the fence still break?

Originally Posted by ikey07
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Get similar size object ( SAMP wall objects is a good example ) set object material color's alpha to 00 and place that object over the fence, problem solved.
Could you please give me an example with these codes?

the fence; CreateDynamicObject(1408, 2093.20752, -1755.74463, 13.16160, 0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

the wall: CreateDynamicObject(19451, 2093.19458, -1757.78381, 12.39060, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

thx in advance

Here is an example of garage doors, but in video I used those objects you gave me, tho I had to use two wall objects to fix it from both sides, if map isnt big it should solve it.

new MechFix = CreateDynamicObject(2957,2037.2175,-1842.3896,14.5515,0.0000,0.0000,90.0000,-1,-1,-1,300.0,300.0); //( s )
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(MechFix,0,"None",50," Arial",24,0,0,0,1); //Model: 2957 ( s )



Originally Posted by ikey07
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Get similar size object ( SAMP wall objects is a good example ) set object material color's alpha to 00 and place that object over the fence, problem solved.
Originally Posted by ikey07
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Here is an example of garage doors, but in video I used those objects you gave me, tho I had to use two wall objects to fix it from both sides, if map isnt big it should solve it.

new MechFix = CreateDynamicObject(2957,2037.2175,-1842.3896,14.5515,0.0000,0.0000,90.0000,-1,-1,-1,300.0,300.0); //( s )
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(MechFix,0,"None",50," Arial",24,0,0,0,1); //Model: 2957 ( s )
Omg that's awesome!

under what do I put it in the filterscript? under public OnGameModeInit() or something else?

In the place you store your maps, I prefer to use FS with all objects on the server, in this way you can add/remove or edit maps/objects without a server restart, just by reloading FS.

Originally Posted by ikey07
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In the place you store your maps, I prefer to use FS with all objects on the server, in this way you can add/remove or edit maps/objects without a server restart, just by reloading FS.
Sorry but this doesn't really make sense to me, so you say if I put my objects in my map like this


etc then add your code above it it should cover all the fences?

new Object1 = CreateDynamicObject(
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(Object1,0,"None",50," Arial",24,0,0,0,1);
new Object2 = CreateDynamicObject(
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(Object2,0,"None",50," Arial",24,0,0,0,1);
new Object3 = CreateDynamicObject(
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(Object3,0,"None",50," Arial",24,0,0,0,1);
new Object4 = CreateDynamicObject(
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(Object4,0,"None",50," Arial",24,0,0,0,1);

Ofcourse you can use the same Object1 for each object, like this:

new Object1 = CreateDynamicObject(
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(Object1,0,"None",50," Arial",24,0,0,0,1);
Object1 = CreateDynamicObject(
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(Object1,0,"None",50," Arial",24,0,0,0,1);
Object1 = CreateDynamicObject(
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(Object1,0,"None",50," Arial",24,0,0,0,1);
Object1 = CreateDynamicObject(
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(Object1,0,"None",50," Arial",24,0,0,0,1);

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