[Tutorial] ZCMD - commands ( First stage )

I have seen many players requesting for simple codes for commands. Even they don't try. So i bought 27 commands for those beginner for understanding the following thing :
1) Making of commands through ZCMD.
2) Using sscanf for making commands.
3) Using of string , values and formats.

If the scripter goes through the codes by understanding them he can understand them well.
The list of commands i have included :
veh ( to spawn vehicle )
respawnveh ( to respawn vehicle )
heal ( to heal other player )
armour ( to give armour to other player )
healme ( to heal yourself )
getarmour ( to give armour to yourself )
setskin ( To set other player's skin )
skin ( To set your own skin )
cd ( Countdown for yourself )
cdforall ( countdown for all )
gotop ( for going to player )
get ( get other player to you )
slap ( slap other player at height you define )
slapme ( slap your self at the height you defined )
PM ( most common and best way to present )
givegun ( Give gun to other player )
Getgun ( gives you a gun )
me ( Send message to all )
shout ( same as me just the pattern differ )
w ( Whispering in the player in range of point 4.0 )
cleartext ( for near by players )
cleartextall ( clear texts for all player )
Kick ( kicks player with id defined )
Ban ( bans player with id defined )
Warn ( warns player with id defined )
Kill ( kills player with id defined )
Killme ( kill the player who types command )

The list of those codes are made through the simplest form so that it can be understood by any scripter.
Correct me if i had went wrong somewhere.

Includes required :

Codes :
Through pastebin : http://pastebin.com/EbRa2HU4
Through dropbox(.pwn) : https://www.dropbox.com/s/eerkc0kiowtytvv/zcmd.pwn?dl=0
Through dropbox(.amx) : https://www.dropbox.com/s/5a04nqg08xam7dc/zcmd.amx?dl=0

Good luck with learning. I will come up with loops soon. I haven't used loops wantedly in this case. Good day.

First of all, a tutorial is where you explain a concept or piece of code so (new) scripters can understand it and apply/recreate it themselves. It should go without saying that dumping a piece ripped from a gamemode into a file and saying that they should just try and understand that is NOT a tutorial. And yes, I said "ripped from a gamemode". I've seen this code before, and I am sure that you did not make it. And i haven't even started ranting about the code itself...

Lol you say its copied? Get a life dude. He is a good scripter. He just posted at wrong section. Its he who made it. And you are wrong from saying the word copy. As I never saw anyone using such commands. He made them for explaining how to make different type of cmds. Good one.

Originally Posted by fuckingcruse
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He is a good scripter.
Check this


2.000 lines for nothing, this is the noobiest script I ever seen

No offense

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