[FilterScript] Dynamic Military Landmines System

Originally Posted by Crayder
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You should add some kind of ray casting...

Like put a proximity mine on inside a doorway, and point it's ray across the doorway. Instead of constant timers and inefficient looping you could detect every time a player moves at least 0.25 units, and when they do check which mines they are in range of, for each of those mines check if the ray collides the player's collision sphere (1 unit radius since players are 2 units tall).

Just a concept. I'll play with this concept myself to see what I can come up with.
It would be best to check the radius explosion.
It is now the size of the arena (detection range).

Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
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It would be best to check the radius explosion.
It is now the size of the arena (detection range).
I'm not saying you should remove that. I'm saying it would be better with more than just that type of mine. However, I already got my system working, and I might release it when Incognito adds a feature to streamer that'll make it more efficient (he's already considering it).

Update v2.1.0:

- Added support for CreateDynamicExplosionDMG (now mine auto detect player death)

- Added support for Streamer Tags

- Updated functions:
worldid,interiorid,playerid,Float:streamdistance,mine_object = MINE_OBJECT_STANDARD,teamid = ANY_TEAM,
detect_type = MINE_DETECT_TYPE_ALL,byplayerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID,Float:damage=-1.0,Float:vehicle_damage=-1.0);
Float:rx,Float:ry,Float:rz,worldid,interiorid,playerid,Float:streamdistance,teamid = ANY_TEAM,
detect_type = MINE_DETECT_TYPE_ALL,byplayerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID,Float:damage=-1.0,Float:vehicle_damage=-1.0);

//if damage is -1 mine generated standard DynamicExplosion without DMG system
//if vehicle damage is -1 and damage is not -1, vehicle damage now is 750
- Added extended functions:
PHP код:
- Added macro for loop
PHP код:
- Fixed callback
PHP код:
OnMineDestroy call to all scripts 

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