
How to make auto Moved NPC In A range point ?
And if We Near the NPC I Can Chat With He !

Well, if is a range of point from you, you can make follow you, setting his position, your last position (2-3 seconds in the past, using a simple timer), to avoid npc speed while 'walking'; btw it will be like laggy.
Even you want he talks with you, you can make a variable, while he is in a range point of '30', for example, chatwithncp[playerid] =1;, then you must make 'he' talks and you can use random pre-created words, using this kind of code, and normally disabling your public chat while talking with 'him':

new string[128], sonyo;
sonyo = random(sizeof(npctalk));
format(string,sizeof(string),"Sir %s, %s", PlayerName2(playerid), npctalk[sonyo]);

new npctalk[][] =
    "i'm here to help you, how can i do it ?",
    "if you need help, which kind of help do you need ?",
    "explain to me what you need, making questions without points or simbols, i prefer this ! :D",
    "how are you ?, thanks to call me, what do you wish ? ;)",
    "you just woke up me :D, i was some tired, otherwise how can i help your needs ?",
    "i'm happy to meet you again, explain me, how can i support you, as of now ? ;)"
+REP If i helped you, and gived you some ideas.

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